hysop.backend.host.python.operator.enstrophy module

@file enstrophy.py Enstrophy solver python backend.

class hysop.backend.host.python.operator.enstrophy.PythonEnstrophy(**kwds)[source]

Bases: EnstrophyBase, HostOperator

Compute enstrophy of the given vorticity field.

Initialize a enstrophy operator operating on CartesianTopologyDescriptors.

vorticity: Field

Input continuous vorticity field.

enstrophy: ScalarParameter

Enstrophy scalar output parameter.

rho: Field, optional

Input continuous density field, if not given, defaults to 1.0 on the whole domain.

rho_0: float, optional

Reference density, defaults to 1.0.

WdotW: Field, optional

Output continuous field, will contain W.W (term before integration). If WdotW is given, WdotW will contain W.W else this will be a temporary field only usable during this operator’s apply method. Should have nb_components=1 and the same domain and discretization as the vorticity.

variables: dict

dictionary of fields as keys and topologies as values.


Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation poisson operator __init__.


Abstract method that should be implemented. Applies this node (operator, computational graph operator…).


Setup temporary buffer that have been requested in get_work_properties(). This function may be used to execute post allocation routines. This sets self.ready flag to True. Once this flag is set one may call ComputationalGraphNode.apply() and ComputationalGraphNode.finalize().

Automatically honour temporary field memory requests.